In my book “The Magic in Your Heart”, I invite you to discover the magic in your everyday life and bring more light-hearted, joyful moments into your life.
With lovingly written, fairytale-like short stories, I appeal above all to subtle, mindful people who long to feel their inner wisdom again and enjoy life to the full.

In a world that often seems to work, the stories in the book encourage you to pause, notice the small miracles around you and find your inner light. You will be invited to question old beliefs and explore new paths that will lead you closer to yourself.

German-language edition available in all popular online stores such as AMAZON, THALIA, WELTBILD, TREDITION and in local bookshops by order.

The magical, inspiring short stories contained in the book will help you do just that:

  • Bring more lightness and joy into your life
  • Discovering and appreciating the special in the everyday
  • Connect with your natural energy and source of power.
  • Take on new perspectives and walk your path with confidence.

This book is a loving reminder that you can not only endure life, but enjoy it with joy and confidence.

May it encourage you to live your dreams and leave small and large sparks of light in the world.

Buchcover: Der Zauber in deinem Herzen
Header image: Sea with feathers

The magic of carefree moments

The book is about bringing the magic of inspiring moments back into the everyday lives of adults. For all those who want more joy and carefree moments in their lives instead of just functioning and waiting for that one big “experience”.

With inspiring, fabulous short stories, sensitive, clairsentient, sensitive, empathic beings who love nature and animals are supported in discovering belief patterns, environments and habits that prevent them from enjoying life and being in their full natural energy.

The seven short stories in the book are an invitation to readers to do what they want to do, to connect with their powerful nature and senses and to find something in the ordinary, in all the things we take for granted, that makes you blossom and gives you joy, strength and confidence.

So that we do not lose confidence forever in challenging times, but find and spread more and more sparks of light, large and small, that shine for us in the dark.

Picture: Daniela Lasinger
About the author

Daniela Lasinger

Words & vibrations for blossoming, arriving, remembering, recognizing and activating for sensitive, versatile, visionary, sensitive men and women

May you be connected to your inner wisdom and activate your natural source of power.

May you be aware of the treasures you already have within you.

May you trust and respect your perceptions, believe in your dreams and a more fulfilling life.

So that you can live in your full, natural energy instead of being drained by your environment or feeling wrong and demotivated when you are/think/feel/perceive “differently” from the average.

For all those who dream of a friendly world in which people allow each other to enjoy life and meet and support each other from a sincere heart. For a world in which it is okay to take good care of yourself instead of just functioning. Because the more you take care of yourself, your health/vitality & what gives you joy and energy, the better we humans can meet each other with a nourished, honest intention and exemplify what we want for each other.

So that you activate the right support & energy for you to realize ideas, visions, projects and a nourishing and inspiring way of life.

For a world in which animals and nature are treated well and people treat each other with respect.

For a world with inspiring moments, so that more and more sparks of light are visible that shine for us in the dark.

You deserve to feel good.

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